News item


We @cirufc have decided to get back to playing some senior rugby on Wednesday nights. It will not be in the shape of “traditional” pre-season rugby session, as we believe we are all still a long way away yet from anything resembling “traditional” rugby union at our level…
Instead we will be playing the RFU’s suggested touch rugby game as shown in the “Ready 4 Rugby” videos.
We will be picking some captains, setting up some teams and playing our own inter-club competition with this game…
The emphasis is on “getting the band back together” after a superb 2019/2020 season, having some fun and improving some core skills along the way…
As a club we will be continuing to follow the government Coronavirus guidelines.
In addition we have also bought new equipment, plenty of steriliser and sanitiser.
The clubhouse will not be open so please make sure you are dressed ready to play, bring your own water, do not share it with anybody and shower back at home. For those wanting a “beasting” as normally provided by “pre-season training” – you can attend the Saturday morning “man club” at 8:30am with Tony Musgrave.
Importantly, we have set ourselves up with on the proactive COVID-19 app
Players MUST visit the link below and complete this self-assessment before they attend any session at the club
Make sure you enter: “senior rugby” under the ‘class’ section of the online form
This is OPEN to any past, present or new senior players looking to play rugby at Canvey Island Rugby Club

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